Network: Disney Channel
Running Time: 30 Minutes
Episode Name: Computer Date
Targeted Age Group: Tween (8-13)
A computer chip, CALLIE, is installed to run the whole ship more efficiently. When CALLIE feels that Cody is the only one that appreciates her, she develops a crush and creates a robot version of herself. CALLIE begins to neglect the needs of the ship putting everyone on board in danger. Will Cody be able to let go of his perfect girlfriend and save everyone on board the ship?
Personal thoughts:
Moral of the show is that sometimes we have to give up what makes us feel good to help others.Cody was treated extra special by CALLIE, but when it was his friends, family, the others safety at stake, he chose to shut CALLIE down to protect everyone on board.
Educational tie-ins/Learning activity:
Library: Present a display of books and movies where the main character was put in a situation that they had to choose doing something that helped the multitude as opposed to the few for the greater good.
School: Teacher can have the class find a time in history or a find a book where people or the main character demonstrates putting others before their themselves. (The Germans helping the Jews during WWII) Then have the students write a short essay of a time when they had to give up something they enjoyed or wanted to help others or a time when it was done for them.